Tuesday, December 28, 2010

100 Things to Accomplish in 2011 - (in no particular order)

  1. Become a more conscientious driver. ( I told you the world would be happy)
  2. Drive Slower. ( just in case i cant do #1)
  3. Have family photos made. ( the 80's hair on the wall really needs to go)
  4. Cook at home more often.
  5. Spend less money eating out.
  6. Take a class to learn something new.
  7. Stop wasteful spending.
  8. Motivate someone to reach their goals.
  9. Be more patient with my family.
  10. Acknowledge God outloud everyday.
  11. Read an entire book.
  12. Make a monthly / yearly budget.
  13. Read Proverbs with Austin.
  14. Go Canoeing.
  15. Buy a Gun.
  16. Get a gun permit.
  17. Learn to shoot my new gun ( for you Jon)
  18. Learn a little more Spanish. ( Toni, will you help me?)
  19. Expand my Vocabulary (choose a new word and use it each month)
  20. Give - regularly.
  21. Visit Montana.
  22. Hike more often.
  23. Go Camping. ( now that I'm "combat fit" maybe I can handle it a bit better)
  24. Spend more time with family. (blood or not)
  25. Pay off Hospital bill.
  26. Dont worry so much about things that I have no control over.
  27. Save money monthly.
  28. Organize the family wall of photographs. 
  29. Re-finish and organize the living room bookcase.
  30. Go on a cruise ( I now have the best travel agent...follow her blog at Timeless Traveler)
  31. Be more thankful everyday!
  32. Keep my car cleaner.
  33. Organize my desk & keep it that way ( this may be the hardest of all)
  34. Add songs to my ipod ( the 23 i have had on their for the past year are really getting old - need iTune $)
  35. Organize ipod into playlists.
  36. Learn more about social media.
  37. Keep all 3 sets of books up-to-date all year ( ok Steve, stop laughing)
  38. Increase my benchpress 1 RM significantly
  39. Learn to do 5 consecutive unassisted pullups.
  40. Go Snowboarding
  41. Go Tubing ( I'll take water or snow)
  42. Maintain my weight within 3 lbs all year.
  43. Re-model powder bath.
  44. Have a larger presence in the community. ( And i dont mean my physical size -- refer to #42)
  45. Run a 15K.
  46. Learn to do a double-under.
  47. Take more photos.
  48. Learn more about Photoshop.
  49. Do a better job with Austin's schoolwork.
  50. Buy all new bras and panties. ( I did say some were personal, right?)
  51. Keep my house cleaner.
  52. Joke More.
  53. Drink more water.
  54. Get more sleep.
  55. Make a list of historical/educational documentaries to watch with Austin. ( Soldier Sean - help a girl out)
  56. Watch them!
  57. Pay bills on time every month.
  58. Find a new piece of art for the living room.
  59. Be less serious about the little things.
  60. Spend more productive time on facebook - ha!
  61. Choose my words more carefully & learn when to release them.
  62. Organize my recipe books for posterity sake.
  63. Organize my photo cabinet and albums for posterity sake.
  64. Sell lake property.
  65. Do something kind for a total stranger.
  66. Organize iPhoto albums on my computer.
  67. Make a family iMovie.
  68. Enjoy people more.
  69. Have friends & family over more often.
  70. Work in the yard more than 1 day a year.
  71. Rock climb ( even if it's a fake wall)
  72. Try a new recipe once a month. ( this could get scary to my extremely picky family)
  73. Don't be so easily aggrevated. ( Alex you can get off my case if this happens) 
  74. Clean out the attic ( been 10 years since I "threw" the baby stuff in there)
  75. Keep in mind that my actions affect more than just myself.
  76. Receive correction better.
  77. Pickout a new front door and have it installed. ( Mitch, good for you for helping me reach my goals)
  78. Compete in my second Fight Gone Bad but at the advanced level.
  79. Be more organized in my business affairs.
  80. Turn Austin's room into a "big boy room".
  81. Research new businesses.
  82. Cleanup basement workout/storage area.
  83. Make a list of all my passwords.
  84. Do something out of my comfort zone.
  85. Set up a good "schoolroom".
  86. Turn in my grades on time each month.
  87. Buy a piece of art for the downstairs bath. ( been on the list now for 2 years - gotta happen)
  88. Sell my house.
  89. Buy new house.
  90. Clean-up & re-organize the playground and basketball court.
  91. Eat clean 95% of the time ( this allows one cheat meal ...)
  92. Upgrade my cell phone.
  93. Learn to say "no"  ( when it's needed)
  94. Finish my new facebook business landing page.
  95. Maintain my workouts on a regular basis.
  96. Clean out the barn.
  97. Research a good skin-care system that I like and can afford. ( Can't be looking old before my time)
  98. Stop expecting everyone to disappoint me.
  99. Allow the real me to be seen more.
  100. Be an overall better me!!  
  101. Bonus for you Gin ... Pursue world peace! :)